The texts and examples below are for information purposes only. They do not replace at any time the terms and conditions of the Meme Commons 1.0 license and/or its appendices, which are available here.
1. Attach a notice referencing the Meme Commons license and its associated appendices, available here.
2. You can adapt the terms of the appendices by attaching a new version of the appendices separately (appendix templates are available here).
3. Store completed Appendices in a way that enables everyone to access them at any time (website, cloud, NFT metadata, etc.).
4. Attach a notice to your Work linking to the Meme Commons license and its latest appendices.
e.g.: Content is licensed under the Meme Commons license MC – E – V (, with additional terms specified in its latest appendices available by, tokenomeme-commonchain.eth and/or any other wallet, ENS domains, NFT, website, depending on the media, means and contexts in which the copyright owner shares the Licensed Work and its latest appendices.
5. In addition, attach as a notice to your Work the acronyms representing the applied license elements.
All Subsequent works are automatically licensed under the Meme Commons license and are legally linked together by a CommonChain. Nevertheless, you must respect certain terms and conditions.
1. Attach the Meme Commons license and associated appendices.
The license elements and terms applied to your Work must be compatible with those of any Integrated Work.
2. Repeat instructions 2, 3 and 4 from the previous section “To put a Work under Meme Commons license“.
3. Make a report of your exploitation (rendering of accounts) and pay the fair cut on Your Net income according to the terms and conditions stipulated in the appendices of any Integrated Work.
You may exploit the Work without restriction, in compliance with moral rights, fair exclusivities, and fair cut obligations.
1. Be aware of the exploitation terms and conditions (fair exclusivities, fair cut obligations, etc.) and RESPECT them.
2. Attach the notice corresponding to the Work being exploited (see instructions in the section “To put a Work under Meme Commons“).
3. Make a report of your exploitation (rendering of accounts) and pay the fair cut on Your Net income according to the terms and conditions stipulated in the appendices of the exploited Work.
We are currently exploring solutions to fluidify the mechanism and automate it. Find the first Multichain NFT Collection under commonchain at